
Manager Requests Overtime for My Tea Breaks

My manager informed me that I need to complete a minimum of 40 hours at the office. According to my contract, my working hours are from 9 am to 6 pm, which includes a 60-minute lunch break. Typically, I arrive at the office at either 9 am or 9:10 am. There are instances when I don't receive tasks until 10 am due to my manager's arrival time. Consequently, I find myself with a free hour. The issue I'm grappling with is that if I'm only given tasks at 10 am, how can I accurately claim that I've been working from 9 to 10 am? Compounding the situation is the requirement to fill out timesheets detailing the tasks I've worked on and the corresponding timeframes. Additionally, I take a 15-minute tea break during the day. The request from my manager to work an extra 15 minutes beyond my designated hours has…

My manager informed me that I need to complete a minimum of 40 hours at the office. According to my contract, my working hours are from 9 am to 6 pm, which includes a 60-minute lunch break. Typically, I arrive at the office at either 9 am or 9:10 am. There are instances when I don't receive tasks until 10 am due to my manager's arrival time. Consequently, I find myself with a free hour. The issue I'm grappling with is that if I'm only given tasks at 10 am, how can I accurately claim that I've been working from 9 to 10 am?

Compounding the situation is the requirement to fill out timesheets detailing the tasks I've worked on and the corresponding timeframes. Additionally, I take a 15-minute tea break during the day. The request from my manager to work an extra 15 minutes beyond my designated hours has left me feeling undervalued and reminiscent of a “slave.”

I'm at a loss for what to do in this predicament. Is it feasible for me to utilize a tea break as an excuse for a bathroom break instead? I'm concerned that this might lead to the monitoring of even our bathroom breaks. Given that I'm not currently in a position to seek alternative employment, this poses a challenge. After all, I adhere to my 9-to-6 schedule diligently; why should I be expected to work beyond those stipulated hours?

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