
I got fired for using the bathroom too much, is there any recourse?

For context I worked at a boba shop I have horrible ibs and physically cannot hold it when I feel the need to use the restroom. Today while I was at work my boss pulled me in the back and told me I would no longer be scheduled because I had been using the bathroom too much and my coworkers were complaining and he thought I was vaping in the bathroom. I apologized profusely and tried to explain my horrible gastric issues and asked if there’s any way I could have a second chance now that I’ve explained and he said once he’s made a decision he doesn’t like to go back on them, but that I was a great employee and did everything right and that he would even be a reference for any job interviews I happened to do. Is this illegal ? Is there anything I can…

For context I worked at a boba shop I have horrible ibs and physically cannot hold it when I feel the need to use the restroom. Today while I was at work my boss pulled me in the back and told me I would no longer be scheduled because I had been using the bathroom too much and my coworkers were complaining and he thought I was vaping in the bathroom. I apologized profusely and tried to explain my horrible gastric issues and asked if there’s any way I could have a second chance now that I’ve explained and he said once he’s made a decision he doesn’t like to go back on them, but that I was a great employee and did everything right and that he would even be a reference for any job interviews I happened to do. Is this illegal ? Is there anything I can do ? ( I’m in Florida, if that’s needed )

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