
I took a teaching job just so I can get all the holidays. I hate it. I feel incredibly stupid.

I’m F in my early 20s and I graduated last year. I spent a year looking for employment and most jobs pay crumbs & ZERO work life balance. I hate it. I hate being in a capitalist society where I’d have to spend most of my waking hours working. I’m stubborn and like to do things my own way. I dance to the beat of my own drums. I can’t find anything I like. The idea of a job sounds miserable. I took a teaching job through connections thinking I’ll have authority and I’ll have over 100 days off a year. Boy was I wronggggg. I’m only a few weeks in and I HATE IT. I hate kids, I hate having to report to 5 people. I hate planning. I hate being organized. I hate being early. I hate it all… I find it VERY hard to care and I’m…

I’m F in my early 20s and I graduated last year. I spent a year looking for employment and most jobs pay crumbs & ZERO work life balance. I hate it. I hate being in a capitalist society where I’d have to spend most of my waking hours working. I’m stubborn and like to do things my own way. I dance to the beat of my own drums. I can’t find anything I like. The idea of a job sounds miserable.

I took a teaching job through connections thinking I’ll have authority and I’ll have over 100 days off a year. Boy was I wronggggg. I’m only a few weeks in and I HATE IT. I hate kids, I hate having to report to 5 people. I hate planning. I hate being organized. I hate being early. I hate it all… I find it VERY hard to care and I’m getting paid HARDLY anything. It’s barely minimum wage (since I have no experience..) I’m a mess

I feel stupider by the day…

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