
Yesterday I was told I can’t speak to someone near me

So I've been working at this job for a little over a year and have grown to be friends with the person I work near. Occasionally throughout the day I'll chat with her. At most I'll have 3 conversations with her because we are told you shouldn't be talking to anyone and should be focusing on your work. But everyone does it and I really do think it's a silly rule they use to control us. But my supervisor was hinting at telling the manager if I continue to chat with her at all. So I will be working hard to find a new job 🙂 because staying silent from 7:30 to 4 pm is insane. Also the supervisor literally chats with everyone and so does the person who I think told on me because he made a comment about how I'm a chatty Kathy (he talks a WHOLE LOT…

So I've been working at this job for a little over a year and have grown to be friends with the person I work near. Occasionally throughout the day I'll chat with her. At most I'll have 3 conversations with her because we are told you shouldn't be talking to anyone and should be focusing on your work. But everyone does it and I really do think it's a silly rule they use to control us. But my supervisor was hinting at telling the manager if I continue to chat with her at all. So I will be working hard to find a new job 🙂 because staying silent from 7:30 to 4 pm is insane.

Also the supervisor literally chats with everyone and so does the person who I think told on me because he made a comment about how I'm a chatty Kathy (he talks a WHOLE LOT more than me). They're doing this because he says I need to get all my work done so other people have stuff to do yet I do all my work and I would say I'm good at it but I do two people's jobs and am the only one 99% of the time doing it. The person who complained has 4 people in their area overall including them so it's hard for me to keep up with them 'not having work' when I'm getting so much from others but on those days I'll chat with her maybe once. I just don't see the issue with me having a friendly chat with the people near me every once in awhile.

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