

My wife got an interview with Harvard yesterday, in their school of education. This was a coordinator (supervisory) role, listed as remote, and she was very excited. After 17 years as a teacher, she was finally ready to stay in the field but move to something more prominent. Harvard is pretty friggin prominent, so she did EVERYTHING to make sure she stood out. But 20 minutes in, she had to remove herself from proceeding with their process. Why? Well, their version of “remote” meant 3 days/week in the office (1.5 hour commute each way); that was conveniently left out of the job posting. And the real kicker is they brought up salary: max $65k/year. The job is supervisory, like I said, but they are also requiring a minimum of a Master's degree, with preference to a doctorate. $65k/yr. for a DOCTORATE! Get your answers up front, even salary. I don't…

My wife got an interview with Harvard yesterday, in their school of education. This was a coordinator (supervisory) role, listed as remote, and she was very excited. After 17 years as a teacher, she was finally ready to stay in the field but move to something more prominent. Harvard is pretty friggin prominent, so she did EVERYTHING to make sure she stood out. But 20 minutes in, she had to remove herself from proceeding with their process. Why? Well, their version of “remote” meant 3 days/week in the office (1.5 hour commute each way); that was conveniently left out of the job posting. And the real kicker is they brought up salary: max $65k/year. The job is supervisory, like I said, but they are also requiring a minimum of a Master's degree, with preference to a doctorate. $65k/yr. for a DOCTORATE!

Get your answers up front, even salary. I don't care if that's not etiquette; you need to know all the details before proceeding in lengthy interview processes.

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