
Fired on my day off out of nowhere.

Hey guys. Not gonna be too specific but on the east coast. Morale is low as fuck right now. I got hired on at the beginning of August for a local pizza place, $14 base pay with tips. Minimum in my area is $12. Tips could be pretty good but also pretty mediocre about half the week. So I was scheduled off Thursday, and fired over a phone call.. I was so confused because it came out of nowhere? He just said my kitchen skills weren’t good enough.. which I get I’m not some kind if cooking master but it’s a fairly slow local pizza joint? Not to mention I had akked about my performance, they said everything was great except working on memorizing their menu.. which was at least 50+ items big and almost everything was made from scratch. I never got pulled aside to talk about where I…

Hey guys. Not gonna be too specific but on the east coast. Morale is low as fuck right now. I got hired on at the beginning of August for a local pizza place, $14 base pay with tips. Minimum in my area is $12. Tips could be pretty good but also pretty mediocre about half the week. So I was scheduled off Thursday, and fired over a phone call.. I was so confused because it came out of nowhere? He just said my kitchen skills weren’t good enough.. which I get I’m not some kind if cooking master but it’s a fairly slow local pizza joint? Not to mention I had akked about my performance, they said everything was great except working on memorizing their menu.. which was at least 50+ items big and almost everything was made from scratch. I never got pulled aside to talk about where I could improve, nothing. They even had the audacity to talk about a new hire on my LAST SHIFT while I was passing through and tell me when I came on Thursday they had replaced me! Like yall pay $2 above minimum, have me work 9 hours no official break, and fire me after 2 weeks because I can’t memorize all 20 sandwiches on the menu? And he gave absolutely 0 specifics on where my “kitchen skills” weren’t adequate. He just seemed really awkward and like he was trying to hide some things. It’s worth noting that the day before they may have heard me vent on the phone outside about the sexist comments I’d heard from the all male staff (I am female presenting.)

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