
Put in my two weeks, never hated anyone more than my manager rn.

I just need to rant about this shit somewhere because I’m still so upset. I’m a host/busser at a restaurant and we got this new general manager about two months into me working there. He is one of those assertive, overconfident type of manager, where his way is always right and he only believes his own narrative. Since day one he’s disliked me for no good reason. I work my ass off at this stupid job, mainly because every other position in the restaurant is directly affected by my work. I love my coworkers and I want to make it easy for them. So here’s the issue. Most hosts are moved up to service partner very quickly, usually at least 6 months but sometimes less. I’ve been a host for 15 months. All the workers want me moved up, except the GM. He seems to think I don’t work hard…

I just need to rant about this shit somewhere because I’m still so upset. I’m a host/busser at a restaurant and we got this new general manager about two months into me working there. He is one of those assertive, overconfident type of manager, where his way is always right and he only believes his own narrative. Since day one he’s disliked me for no good reason. I work my ass off at this stupid job, mainly because every other position in the restaurant is directly affected by my work. I love my coworkers and I want to make it easy for them.

So here’s the issue. Most hosts are moved up to service partner very quickly, usually at least 6 months but sometimes less. I’ve been a host for 15 months. All the workers want me moved up, except the GM. He seems to think I don’t work hard enough, even though the restaurant typically relies on me to do most of the host work since I know it so well. I’ve been trying to get moved up, and today I got into a fight with the GM.

He was mad because I brought up how he is moving up an employee who has stolen tips from us and is known to be a horrible worker. He then said to me: “if you don’t want to improve, then you won’t get moved up,” to which I threatened to leave. He responded, “if that’s what you want to do.” I told my other manager I was leaving, and he expressed sadness which made me have to take a ten minute to cry. Anyway, fuck this job. I have so much dirt on this company, I’m gonna make sure this guy’s reputation is ruined

TL;DR- GM has always had it out from me, won’t move me up, so I instantly quit after he got aggressive at me for expressing my disappointment with his decisions

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