
My General Manager really expected 50 people to share one power strip instead of allowing WFH

To give some background on my general manager. He is in charge of the plant and is very old school. He immediately had people return to office the minute the government allowed for COVID and to quote him about how much he didn't take the pandemic seriously, “you can't have COVID if you don't take the test”. He's super anti-work from home solely because a few people got caught not actually working and instead of firing those people he just got rid of the option all together. So to the main point of what occurred yesterday. For those unaware Michigan got hit with a massive storm yesterday that cause a lot of destruction and power outages. I was one of a few people that had WiFi and power still. I drove into work at my normal time. I usually come in an hour before the rest of the office because…

To give some background on my general manager. He is in charge of the plant and is very old school. He immediately had people return to office the minute the government allowed for COVID and to quote him about how much he didn't take the pandemic seriously, “you can't have COVID if you don't take the test”. He's super anti-work from home solely because a few people got caught not actually working and instead of firing those people he just got rid of the option all together.

So to the main point of what occurred yesterday. For those unaware Michigan got hit with a massive storm yesterday that cause a lot of destruction and power outages. I was one of a few people that had WiFi and power still. I drove into work at my normal time. I usually come in an hour before the rest of the office because it allows me to knock out a lot of stuff without distraction. I get to the office and there is no power anywhere in the building. We're completely running our manufacturing operation off of generators and the server room is the only place in the office portion that is also running off of the generators.

My boss had sent a text out around 8am saying if you can work from home effectively do that. I told him I'll be leaving in an hour then because my battery is going to die on my laptop in about an hour and I have power and WiFi at home. The general manager happens to overhear this when walking over and I shit you not said “you don't have to go home, we have wifi and their is a power strip in the server room. So everyone can just take turns charging their laptop”. My office has 50 people in it. My man was dead serious and thought it'd be better to have 50 people share a 5 plug power strip rather than let people just work from home. This type of shit is just so aggravating.

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