
I finally quit my toxic job and feel better than ever

You see, I’m a teacher and although I don’t have my degree yet, I do have lots of experience, so the salary I was receiving was a bit low compared to what I’ve earned before but, I took the job anyways cause I need to eat right? Well, I only lasted 6 months ish. Showed the middle finger to the school “principal” and sent my resignation letter the next day. I suffered constant abuse from the school owners, who I must clarify are NOT prepared to teach, nor even run a school but whatever. I was required to work outside my schedule, reprimanded if I needed to miss a day cause of being sick (thanks to them and their nonexistent bio security protocols), yelled at, humiliated, questioned and persecuted. Unfortunately this wasn’t only for me, but for the rest of the teachers as well. Shit hit the fan when my…

You see, I’m a teacher and although I don’t have my degree yet, I do have lots of experience, so the salary I was receiving was a bit low compared to what I’ve earned before but, I took the job anyways cause I need to eat right? Well, I only lasted 6 months ish. Showed the middle finger to the school “principal” and sent my resignation letter the next day.

I suffered constant abuse from the school owners, who I must clarify are NOT prepared to teach, nor even run a school but whatever. I was required to work outside my schedule, reprimanded if I needed to miss a day cause of being sick (thanks to them and their nonexistent bio security protocols), yelled at, humiliated, questioned and persecuted. Unfortunately this wasn’t only for me, but for the rest of the teachers as well. Shit hit the fan when my direct boss (the owner’s daughter) modified some tests I had made for one of my groups, specially a test specially made for one of my kids on the spectrum, as it was 4x more difficult than what it should. I saw red. They wanted a meeting that day but I refused and left when my shift was over. The next day I was prepared for what was coming, but didnt expect how things turned out AT ALL. The owner called me to her office pretty early in the morning to berate me and try to manipulate my words, but I was having none of it and called her out on her bs. She said a lot of stuff that only showed who she really is, but completely lost it when I mentioned a missed paycheck. You see, where Im from theres this pay equivalent to almost a month's salary, only divided into 3 paydates on the 15th every 4 months. It's MANDATORY and cannot be paid any other day after the stipulated date. Can you guess now? Correct, they didnt pay, so these two things combined just made me explode. Also, she owns a shitton of money to social security and of course, we're not receiving benefits, which pisses me off, but ok.

Anyways, so there was yelling, chasing (her to me), threats, intimidation from her husband, you name it. I told her I would be expecting my termination letter and she had the audacity of telling me she was not going to fire me, but instead I was quitting and I was to sign an ammonestation letter agreeing to waive 2 days of salary. I just showed the middle finger, left and went straight to the work ministry to place several complaints. The type of contract I had with the school stipulates by law that if she fires me before the termination date she has to pay a lot of money besides my severance pay. But jokes on her cause, the resignation I gave also protects me, as it was under abuse and employer mistreatment.

We have conciliation this tuesday and she will try to dispute the resignation, but lucky for me I got all the proof I need to defend myself and hopefully win this case. She can badmouth me to the staff all she wants, but I will get my justice. I could not be more happy to finally be out of that shithole they call school, and will be even more once I get all my hard-earned money. F her and her dumbass daughter!

Edit: Sorry for the poor writing, I'm just really excited and kinda needed to vent/share my experience.

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