
Severely harassed by employer and basically forced me to quit

I worked at a major telecommunications company for almost 4 years. I started out as a technician. I was 1 of two females in this department of about 80. I am a very hard worker and I take pride in my work. My stats on my 1st yearly review were better than most of my peers in the whole region. So I was rocking it and I got along with everyone so well. People could see my quality work and nice personality. 2 and 1/2 years into this position, my whole world changed. I was walking into work one morning and an older coworker was coming out the door as I was entering. He had managed to put his hand between my upper thighs and he moved his hand up and down about 5 times. I thought he was trying to grab my privates. I was freaked out. I went…

I worked at a major telecommunications company for almost 4 years. I started out as a technician. I was 1 of two females in this department of about 80. I am a very hard worker and I take pride in my work. My stats on my 1st yearly review were better than most of my peers in the whole region. So I was rocking it and I got along with everyone so well. People could see my quality work and nice personality. 2 and 1/2 years into this position, my whole world changed. I was walking into work one morning and an older coworker was coming out the door as I was entering. He had managed to put his hand between my upper thighs and he moved his hand up and down about 5 times. I thought he was trying to grab my privates. I was freaked out. I went inside and was shaking. I didn’t confront him because I didn’t want to be “that girl”. But I couldn’t stop shaking and crying for over an hour. Until I called my boss and told him what happened. He called the other guy and he said he dropped his phone and he was trying to catch it. I said why did he move his hand up and down so much? You either catch it or you don’t? He said well did you know he has Parkinson’s? He was just trying to make me feel so bad. As the months pass most of the guys continue to act and say inappropriate things to me. So much so that I lost 70lbs in 6 months and was diagnosed with PTSD. I tried going to the company and letting them honestly know everything that happened. I thought they would see the discrimination and want it to stop in their company. I was wrong. All they were worried about was if I was going to sue them. I told them I wasn’t going to and I just was trying to bring this to light to make it better for the women and the not your average man type people that worked here. It was a big mistake to think a company would care the way I do. I am such a happy person, I have a great life outside of work. But I was suicidal for awhile. All because of the way the company handled it all. And in the end I told my boss that I was thinking about killing myself. I would NEVER do that but for me I was having those thoughts and it was so scary. My boss knew the situation. I turned in my 2 week notice and 3 days before my last day my boss called me up and said that I wasn’t mentally stable to finish my last 3 days and that today would be my last day. But we will pay you those last three days. I agreed and finally quit the job that was killing me. I still haven’t found a job. I am stressing out. It has been 3 months. I just can’t work for corporate. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I just want to be happy and help people.

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