
Got a 5% raise today

After nearly a year with my company, I was pulled into my manager’s office yesterday for my annual review. She told me that they’re giving me a 5% raise increase and will be introducing more duties as a part of my job. I should be happy, right? But that’s only an extra 2k per year, which I more than likely won’t even see because Uncle Sam will just snatch it. I’m truly so tired. I’m working 2 jobs now and going to school full time and I’m still barely getting by. How do employers think we’re supposed to survive when everything is being inflated and they don’t want to pay us what we need to survive in this economy? Why should I continue to work against my own will and mental health capacity if I’m going to struggle regardless? Sigh…

After nearly a year with my company, I was pulled into my manager’s office yesterday for my annual review. She told me that they’re giving me a 5% raise increase and will be introducing more duties as a part of my job. I should be happy, right? But that’s only an extra 2k per year, which I more than likely won’t even see because Uncle Sam will just snatch it.

I’m truly so tired. I’m working 2 jobs now and going to school full time and I’m still barely getting by. How do employers think we’re supposed to survive when everything is being inflated and they don’t want to pay us what we need to survive in this economy? Why should I continue to work against my own will and mental health capacity if I’m going to struggle regardless? Sigh…

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