
Company I interviewed with wanted someone with 4 years experience, a bachelors, a certification with barely 55K a year (which I found out during the interview). So I proceeded to grill them in the interview about their expectations vs reality.

So – I have my bachelors, double the experience they wanted, and the hardest cert you can get for my industry (with a $5,500 annual recert fee) – but clearly a lot of companies down-play the role and this is a huge problem – because it directly translates into doing right by the workers. During the interview, they described an “all-star” they wanted and all these things and went right to my compensation expectations. Standard of living and having done my research around the area, I knew what I wanted. Well – theses guys came in at 55K for this role. To which I was extremely perplexed. After taxes in California, it doesn't make sense with mandated health insurance, student loans re-kicking in, I'd be very close to poverty level (aka nothing would reasonably change about my standard of living). I'd also be losing certain utility-saving benefit programs I qualify…

So – I have my bachelors, double the experience they wanted, and the hardest cert you can get for my industry (with a $5,500 annual recert fee) – but clearly a lot of companies down-play the role and this is a huge problem – because it directly translates into doing right by the workers.

During the interview, they described an “all-star” they wanted and all these things and went right to my compensation expectations. Standard of living and having done my research around the area, I knew what I wanted. Well – theses guys came in at 55K for this role.

To which I was extremely perplexed. After taxes in California, it doesn't make sense with mandated health insurance, student loans re-kicking in, I'd be very close to poverty level (aka nothing would reasonably change about my standard of living). I'd also be losing certain utility-saving benefit programs I qualify for with my current income not to mention the hike in my car insurance premium etc.

I furthered it by saying – someone with 4 years of experience wouldn't simply be able to do those things you all require. What you all are describing is someone who's in a managerial role….and for that the salary needs to be reworked (so does the title) – the expectations don't fit the reality because you all aren't coming from someone who's in that role. It doesn't match what you all listed (clearly they wanted WAY more than what they listed as well).

I further stated – according to my research of the company and it's financials – you all are profiting 1.2M a year (you all aren't nonprofit right? Owner: r…right…no we're..we're not). If the owners simply valued this position as much as it needs to be, it would be very reasonable to afford what I'd need salary wise.

They were rather surprised I knew their financials (revenue, expenses, etc.) Again – for someone who does ANALYSIS for a living – of course I'd know this! (lol). They were very shocked I knew their exact numbers

I've been going unemployed for a year now. I am receiving help from the state – and living off my savings currently which are dwindling – but I'm not one to “job hop.” I just want to find a decent company that pays fairly. Clearly – way too much to ask.

Most listings are fucking ridiculous. Inflation has become a thing – but the salaries are still from 10 years ago.

I let them know I'd pass on this role. Not because I'm not “looking for work” but I'm also not looking for slave labor that makes me want to put a bullet in myself at the end of the day.

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