
What are some common car issues i could use as an excuse to call in?

i don't want to get into work specifics for my own safety, but at work lets just say they've been working me down to the bone, while not appreciating my sacrifices. i do everything they ask, yet they find flaws in my methods. i go above and beyond and never get noticed. my managers (attempt to) gaslight me into thinking i do less than i do. after almost passing out several times, im calling out before my weekend since i have no reason to be loyal to this place. any suggestions?

i don't want to get into work specifics for my own safety, but at work lets just say they've been working me down to the bone, while not appreciating my sacrifices. i do everything they ask, yet they find flaws in my methods. i go above and beyond and never get noticed. my managers (attempt to) gaslight me into thinking i do less than i do.

after almost passing out several times, im calling out before my weekend since i have no reason to be loyal to this place. any suggestions?

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