
Suitable excuse for having stitches on knuckles and cuts all over hand?

Right before leaving (plans canceled after incident) last night I realized I forgot my wallet and ran up the stairs to my front door alcove, tripped on the top step and my hand went through the glass pane on the front door. I had to get stitches today and quite frankly looks like it was due to a fight. Is there any reasonable excuse for this or should I just tell the truth? I don't want to be thought of as some weekend warrior

Right before leaving (plans canceled after incident) last night I realized I forgot my wallet and ran up the stairs to my front door alcove, tripped on the top step and my hand went through the glass pane on the front door. I had to get stitches today and quite frankly looks like it was due to a fight. Is there any reasonable excuse for this or should I just tell the truth? I don't want to be thought of as some weekend warrior

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