
Advice to prevent further burnout

Hello everyone, I'm not quite sure what the ultimate goal of this post is, maybe I'm just hoping to get someone has had similar experience and maybe get a few ideas that I would actually be able to use in my current situation. I went to University for 5 years, the last four of those years I spent every semester including the Summers taking courses. From 2016 September all the way to April 2020 I was either working or taking courses or both. Graduated right in the midst of covid, and at that point I was already burnt out from the consecutive semesters of school and work. Started looking for a job but did not find one for 7 months. Those 7 months were closest to the best time of my life minus the fact that I had no income and whatever stress comes along with that, but thanks to…

Hello everyone,

I'm not quite sure what the ultimate goal of this post is, maybe I'm just hoping to get someone has had similar experience and maybe get a few ideas that I would actually be able to use in my current situation.

I went to University for 5 years, the last four of those years I spent every semester including the Summers taking courses. From 2016 September all the way to April 2020 I was either working or taking courses or both.

Graduated right in the midst of covid, and at that point I was already burnt out from the consecutive semesters of school and work. Started looking for a job but did not find one for 7 months. Those 7 months were closest to the best time of my life minus the fact that I had no income and whatever stress comes along with that, but thanks to money I had saved and some student benefits Canadianv government was giving out at the time I was able to get by.

At the end of the 7 months, somehow I got a job that pays me decent, started working right at the end of 2020. Going into September 2023 I have been working since I started at this job minus 1 month I took off to attend a family event. That time off I took was in December 2022. Due to the nature of the event that entire month I was “on vacation” I had literally no time to relax and unwind it was just one thing after the other preparing for the event until I was back to work around Christmas time.

My problem is I can't take time off as i need the active income to pay off tax and student loans. Since I'm a consultant anytime I take off is not paid therefore I did not make income for the month when I was away for family event which was a financial hit that I'm still recovering from.

And as it stands right now I am so burnt out I literally feel; I don't even have the words to describe it. Every morning is a struggle to get out of bed knowing that I need to start working. Every night is a struggle to get into bed between my insomnia and knowing the fact that sleeping means my day(and my leisure time) ends and tomorrow is going to start with work. I just feel like I'm caught in this death loop of exhaustion, burnt out and what not and I see no end to it.

Don't get me wrong I don't hate my job but I don't love it either. It's just work. I work in a field that I find interesting and I enjoy and it can be engaging at times, but most of the time it's not stimulating work, but that's not really an issue for me I don't look at work as something I enjoy to do I just look at work as something I have to do, to live the life that I want to. Work I do pays the bills and pays for the life that I like to live. But currently due to not being in the best financial situation maybe it's not letting me do it completely.

I just love to hear from anybody who might have experienced something similar and what you might have done to get in a better mindset about it to make the day-to-day less unbearable. TIA

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