
Asked to ‘Makeup’ My Vacation This Week

Hello guys! I am taking vacation this week for two days/16 hours. I recently got an email from my manager asking if I could ‘makeup’ the hours by working a few extra hours today and tomorrow – so that the amount of hours that is going towards vacation is less. I’m assuming that this a funding thing but I’m really annoyed. I submitted this vacation months ago. I don’t really want to work extra today and tomorrow just because I have vacation this week. It doesn’t even really feel like vacation at that point if I have to work the hours anyways :/ I kind of recently joined the corporate world, is this something you guys have experienced? I’m considering just saying no idk yet. Just thought I would rant here. Thanks for listening! If you have any tips on how I could say no, let me know 🙂

Hello guys!

I am taking vacation this week for two days/16 hours. I recently got an email from my manager asking if I could ‘makeup’ the hours by working a few extra hours today and tomorrow – so that the amount of hours that is going towards vacation is less. I’m assuming that this a funding thing but I’m really annoyed. I submitted this vacation months ago. I don’t really want to work extra today and tomorrow just because I have vacation this week. It doesn’t even really feel like vacation at that point if I have to work the hours anyways :/ I kind of recently joined the corporate world, is this something you guys have experienced?

I’m considering just saying no idk yet.

Just thought I would rant here. Thanks for listening! If you have any tips on how I could say no, let me know 🙂

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