
What is a respectable way to ask for higher pay and stand up for myself in this situation?

A competitive job in the area reached out to me asking if I would be willing to interview with them for a contractor position. During this call – I mentioned that I was happy where I was and a lateral move didn’t make sense. They would have to offer me more money and a larger role for me to leave where I am. In the call they even asked what My current contracted employer was paying me. And I told them, 3K. Today they officially offered me the position. It is twice the responsibility and they said they can only offer me up to 3K. After talking to the guy who had this job before me, his starting pay was also 3K, but that was all the way back in 2016 and he only had one year of experience. I bring six years of experience and they’re asking me to…

A competitive job in the area reached out to me asking if I would be willing to interview with them for a contractor position. During this call – I mentioned that I was happy where I was and a lateral move didn’t make sense. They would have to offer me more money and a larger role for me to leave where I am.

In the call they even asked what My current contracted employer was paying me. And I told them, 3K. Today they officially offered me the position. It is twice the responsibility and they said they can only offer me up to 3K.

After talking to the guy who had this job before me, his starting pay was also 3K, but that was all the way back in 2016 and he only had one year of experience. I bring six years of experience and they’re asking me to write a comprehensive curriculum for more. Everyone says that this program has money, but I have yet to see any of it.

What is a respectable way to ask for higher pay and stand up for myself in this situation?

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