
They offered me a $2 raise to stay,, after cutting my hours in half. Last day is Tuesday.

A certain 3 letter acronym of a company just tried to negotiate with me to stay on as a tech after I put in my notice. Our hours are slashed so bad that I'm barely getting enough to still be considered full time, not to mention our workload is f'd due to a new system in place specifically designed to slow us down. I said I was done with it, if they can't afford the tech hours, they can't afford the tech. Apparently I was a “dependable” and “exceptional” employee, which I've learned is corporate speak for “desperate pushover.” I've learned my lesson though, and I almost laughed at them when they tried to keep me on with a $2 raise. Not a raise for training to become inventory specialist, not a raise for that “exceptional” work, a raise to not quit and save their asses. Too bad, maybe you…

A certain 3 letter acronym of a company just tried to negotiate with me to stay on as a tech after I put in my notice. Our hours are slashed so bad that I'm barely getting enough to still be considered full time, not to mention our workload is f'd due to a new system in place specifically designed to slow us down. I said I was done with it, if they can't afford the tech hours, they can't afford the tech. Apparently I was a “dependable” and “exceptional” employee, which I've learned is corporate speak for “desperate pushover.” I've learned my lesson though, and I almost laughed at them when they tried to keep me on with a $2 raise. Not a raise for training to become inventory specialist, not a raise for that “exceptional” work, a raise to not quit and save their asses. Too bad, maybe you could give that raise to someone who has the hours to use it. I won't need it, starting at a new place with a better pay and better management. Thanks for letting me rant, work is stressful for all of us right now, but we'll all get through this and be treated with the respect we deserve.

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