
Boss forcing us to take July 4th off, but counting it as a vacation day.

My entire life of employment July 4th has always been a day off, which did NOT count against vacation days. Suddenly the boss is forcing it as we will be “closed” for the week, but then is also requiring us to burn a vacation day on a national holiday.. what are your thoughts on this one? I have an email drafted where I explain when I will be using my vacation days with a calendar included. July 4th says “National Holiday work closed” on it and I do not count it as a vacation day. I know this will be met with resistance.

My entire life of employment July 4th has always been a day off, which did NOT count against vacation days. Suddenly the boss is forcing it as we will be “closed” for the week, but then is also requiring us to burn a vacation day on a national holiday.. what are your thoughts on this one? I have an email drafted where I explain when I will be using my vacation days with a calendar included. July 4th says “National Holiday work closed” on it and I do not count it as a vacation day. I know this will be met with resistance.

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