
My manager reprimanded me in front of customers for not following orders from a bully supervisor. I have my resignation letter ready to go.

I actually love my coworkers to bits and my work environment, but if you yell at me in front of customers and demand I take instructions from a woman that has had several people in tears, that several people have confessed to being scared of, a woman that left her old job because people refused to work alongside her, I'm gone. I'm nervous af, but I'll be damned if Im going to “learn to get along with” a workplace bully. Multiple complaints have been dismissed with “she's good at her job”. Except she's not. She's dismissive, rude, unapproachable and lazy. I refuse to let someone like that have authority over me for minimum wage, quite frankly, I'd rather be unemployed. There will be no negotiations or mediations. I'm out. My happiness means more to me than keeping my boss happy. Fuck you A.

I actually love my coworkers to bits and my work environment, but if you yell at me in front of customers and demand I take instructions from a woman that has had several people in tears, that several people have confessed to being scared of, a woman that left her old job because people refused to work alongside her, I'm gone. I'm nervous af, but I'll be damned if Im going to “learn to get along with” a workplace bully. Multiple complaints have been dismissed with “she's good at her job”. Except she's not. She's dismissive, rude, unapproachable and lazy. I refuse to let someone like that have authority over me for minimum wage, quite frankly, I'd rather be unemployed. There will be no negotiations or mediations. I'm out. My happiness means more to me than keeping my boss happy. Fuck you A.

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