
I need advices . So disappointed with life.

I come from midclass family that became low midclass as life got more experience. Since childhood I was awre of our bad financial situation at the point of hearing I should study a lot to be someone and help mom (I was 4 y.o). Have always been dedicated to school. My spanish teacher said in front of whole class he wished his son was like me. . Money was short and paying school was priority (public schools here are lame, many private are as well) over social life, reason I was heavily bullied at school for years (still have issues to socialize today). Went to university and for so many nights I was up after 2 a.m doing tasks and studying for exams. At some point I had 12h/day of classes. During my university life I even studied other stuff like Geology, Organic Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry .. After this I…

I come from midclass family that became low midclass as life got more experience. Since childhood I was awre of our bad financial situation at the point of hearing I should study a lot to be someone and help mom (I was 4 y.o).

Have always been dedicated to school. My spanish teacher said in front of whole class he wished his son was like me. . Money was short and paying school was priority (public schools here are lame, many private are as well) over social life, reason I was heavily bullied at school for years (still have issues to socialize today).

Went to university and for so many nights I was up after 2 a.m doing tasks and studying for exams. At some point I had 12h/day of classes. During my university life I even studied other stuff like Geology, Organic Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry ..

After this I have got 2 other degrees as Expert (those you study for about 12-18 months). Now I have recently started master programm.

All this for nothing. All my efforts never turn to something good. I have applied to over 300 jobs in past 26 months but only 1 interview. I get refused for no experience, but I cant have some unless I am given a chance.

Cant even get job as teacher despite my city is full of crap teachers (I say crap because they were my teachers when I was teen and I know they do not teach well).
Tried to find jobs out of country on LinkedIn, but all mention at least 5 years of experience.

I had to make school my priority because I had to give up on my dream. I wanted to be player as child. But I did not have height enough (I am 5'8″) . So I already life with this huge frustration .

You spend time and money to be someone. While you are desperate to get something decent, you see politicians earning huge paychecks when 99% of them know nothing about anything useful, former reality show contenders getting jobs on tv.

If I was at least good looking, would use onlyfans. Not even this I am in position to do.

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