
University threatens striking graduate students and faculty

Indiana University graduate students are on strike! They are attempting to unionize because most of them make less than $18,000 a year. The university has refused to recognize the union. The graduate workers teach many of the university's classes, and so the administration has told them that anyone striking will be fired. Over 400 faculty members have signed a pledge of neutrality, saying they will not report striking grad workers or penalize them in any way. The university has now threatened to fire any faculty member who strikes in solidarity, or who refuses to report a graduate worker for striking. Worse, the university sent a letter to every undergraduate with a link to report striking faculty and graduate workers to the administration. Anybody denounced by a student or the parent of a student is at risk of being fired. The form for denouncing faculty or grad workers is here.

Indiana University graduate students are on strike! They are attempting to unionize because most of them make less than $18,000 a year. The university has refused to recognize the union. The graduate workers teach many of the university's classes, and so the administration has told them that anyone striking will be fired.

Over 400 faculty members have signed a pledge of neutrality, saying they will not report striking grad workers or penalize them in any way. The university has now threatened to fire any faculty member who strikes in solidarity, or who refuses to report a graduate worker for striking.

Worse, the university sent a letter to every undergraduate with a link to report striking faculty and graduate workers to the administration. Anybody denounced by a student or the parent of a student is at risk of being fired.

The form for denouncing faculty or grad workers is here.

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