
I’m quitting and my senior, who berated me, is asking/pleading me to not leave

I've been working at my current job for about 9 months now. I was hired as a data analyst to work with, you guess it, data. But, on my first day, they talk about restructuring, and my senior is getting an eye surgery, so I was stuck transitioning his stuff to me. I'd have been fine with it, but it was a lot of report making and code transition. And I'll be honest. I wasnt all confident in some of the stuff this guy was doing. Probably because it wasnt what I agreed to do when I got hired. But I thought hey it's a patch job. I'll hand it back to him when he comes back. So, with a day of training (because he was SO BUSY to give me time), I somehow managed for a month, and he came back. And instead of giving it back to him,…

I've been working at my current job for about 9 months now. I was hired as a data analyst to work with, you guess it, data. But, on my first day, they talk about restructuring, and my senior is getting an eye surgery, so I was stuck transitioning his stuff to me. I'd have been fine with it, but it was a lot of report making and code transition. And I'll be honest. I wasnt all confident in some of the stuff this guy was doing. Probably because it wasnt what I agreed to do when I got hired. But I thought hey it's a patch job. I'll hand it back to him when he comes back. So, with a day of training (because he was SO BUSY to give me time), I somehow managed for a month, and he came back. And instead of giving it back to him, my supervisor and the senior just says I should just keep it. …?

After doing it for about 5 months, I shared that I want to do more data, and my supervisor goes “oh your next project is working with data”. And this went on for a few months, and I wasnt happy already. I wasnt doing what I wanted, and I was stuck doing something I wasn't confident in. I couldn't sleep well and I was procrastinating hard since I didnt want to deal with things, so my work was lagging. And this senior guy literally calls me, and says “I dont know how you are busy. You do nothing, and you arent working smart. I work every weekend for every week, but I don't see that.”

I could not believe it. So, I told him off, and talked to my manager. I asked her if she thinks I'm going too slow. And thankfully she was on my side, explaining how I'm going at a good pace and how what he said was inappropriate. THEN, she goes “well the senior guy is a bit old, and idk if you know he's an asian. So, I think it just came out wrong”. …? I started to look for a new job on that day. I wanted to quit immediately, and my wife supported me, but I have a 2 year old, so in the end, I stuck with it. But, I did bare minimum.

And yesterday, I got a new job offer. Almost 40% raise and I'm working on something that I'm passionate about. So, I told her I'm done and gave her two weeks notice. And today, guess who calls me. The senior guy.

He asked me why I was leaving, and I told him “I want to work with sql and python more”, “oh dont worry about that. But, are you leaving because of stress?” I guess I'll just not want the things I want? He talks about we are friends and how he can help relieve stress by taking over some stuff. And I figured out why. I was supposed to be his replacement when he retired in a few years. I asked him “dont you work every single weekend?”, and he goes “yes. It's almost a habit for me to work.” Why in the world, would I want that? He's just pleading me not to leave. At the end, he literally said “from bottom of my heart, dont leave”

I just told him that I've already accepted it, but I'll consider the offer. But, what I really wanted to say was

From bottom of my heart, get fucked.

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