
fuck these god damn shit jobs

so, new account throwaway for obvious reasons. This may be my final hoorah or whatever you want to call it. Taking the biggest plunge of my life, quit my old job because I was miserable and suicidal all the god damn time and hated the shittiy work, gonna lose my house next month and be homeless but nah fuck that ill go my own way while I still have control. Got a bunch of interviews coming up for better jobs but if i dont get them fuck it. Had this thing in my head telling me to die for farrrr to long tonight it ends, the voices win or loss. Sometimes you gotta jump into the endless void to truly feel alive. I win or the voice wins, no other way around it, 15 years + now and im tired of the fight, love you all stay strong and godamn…

so, new account throwaway for obvious reasons. This may be my final hoorah or whatever you want to call it. Taking the biggest plunge of my life, quit my old job because I was miserable and suicidal all the god damn time and hated the shittiy work, gonna lose my house next month and be homeless but nah fuck that ill go my own way while I still have control. Got a bunch of interviews coming up for better jobs but if i dont get them fuck it. Had this thing in my head telling me to die for farrrr to long tonight it ends, the voices win or loss. Sometimes you gotta jump into the endless void to truly feel alive. I win or the voice wins, no other way around it, 15 years + now and im tired of the fight, love you all stay strong and godamn fight your demons dont be like me a lose to them

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