
Thats what you(corporates) get !!

This happend yesterday, my close friend, a mechanical engineer with 12 years of experience into automotive field, was let go almost 3 weeks back, due to he wanted raised as he hadn't had any in 3 years. The replacement the company got was a technician, with 1 year experience in a “local garage”. Today the new guy made some mistake in the assembly line casuing a wopping damage of ~200,000$ plus he got injured on job , so his bills are to be paid by the company along with 3 weeks paid leave to him. They called my friend for rehiring him back, he demanded 40% pay rise. ( while working he requested only 15%) He called me up told me the whole thing and said “see thats what you get when you jackass to run in a horse race”

This happend yesterday, my close friend, a mechanical engineer with 12 years of experience into automotive field, was let go almost 3 weeks back, due to he wanted raised as he hadn't had any in 3 years.

The replacement the company got was a technician, with 1 year experience in a “local garage”.

Today the new guy made some mistake in the assembly line casuing a wopping damage of ~200,000$ plus he got injured on job , so his bills are to be paid by the company along with 3 weeks paid leave to him.

They called my friend for rehiring him back, he demanded 40% pay rise. ( while working he requested only 15%)

He called me up told me the whole thing and said “see thats what you get when you jackass to run in a horse race”

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