
I’m a suicide risk and it’s strictly because of capitalism…AMA

No family that had time for me because Dad was busy making money for someone else. Mom was mentally debilitated and on welfare and too burned out to care for her own kids. I grew up in an abusive household and escaping meant starving because no matter what I do I can’t make ends meet. I’ve picked starvation because it was literally that bad. My morals are too important to me to be a part of the problem…so I don’t have any motivation to keep feeding the machine. I wish I could just find an island somewhere with no people on it and just go about life without any of this bullshit. I’ve been hurt too many times and engaging in a job or anything else related to capitalism causes me more pain than I can take. I’m so done with the rat race … but there IS NO ALTERNATIVE!…

No family that had time for me because Dad was busy making money for someone else.

Mom was mentally debilitated and on welfare and too burned out to care for her own kids.

I grew up in an abusive household and escaping meant starving because no matter what I do I can’t make ends meet. I’ve picked starvation because it was literally that bad.

My morals are too important to me to be a part of the problem…so I don’t have any motivation to keep feeding the machine.

I wish I could just find an island somewhere with no people on it and just go about life without any of this bullshit.

I’ve been hurt too many times and engaging in a job or anything else related to capitalism causes me more pain than I can take.

I’m so done with the rat race … but there IS NO ALTERNATIVE!

Even when I’m working full time, I can’t always feed myself and I’m accustomed to having to skip eating for a week or two straight so that I can pay rent.


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