
I am this close to quit work

Hi all! This is mainly a rant, I am stressed and burnt out and tired and just need a good rest. Advice/kind words are welcome! I don't have fixed hours at work, it's something I've been doing for four years, what I do varies on the place I work at. I usually have the role of “security officer” (or my nation equivalent to that). I basically stand guard at events of various nature. I enrolled in university during the first pandemic of 2020 and decided to keep this work only for the weekend/when I have time to spare (I am lucky that I am back living with my parents and don't have many expenses). My boss knows this and I have been begging him to stop putting me in 14+ hours shifts, I need to study for my exams and must concentrate on that. Me and my boss have a…

Hi all! This is mainly a rant, I am stressed and burnt out and tired and just need a good rest. Advice/kind words are welcome!

I don't have fixed hours at work, it's something I've been doing for four years, what I do varies on the place I work at. I usually have the role of “security officer” (or my nation equivalent to that). I basically stand guard at events of various nature.

I enrolled in university during the first pandemic of 2020 and decided to keep this work only for the weekend/when I have time to spare (I am lucky that I am back living with my parents and don't have many expenses). My boss knows this and I have been begging him to stop putting me in 14+ hours shifts, I need to study for my exams and must concentrate on that.

Me and my boss have a good relationship, we get along pretty well, and I honestly really like working with him and my colleagues. Lately, he's ignoring my pleads and scheduling me for when I asked him not to and then he gets kinda angry when I point that out. I honestly am so tired, I have no energy to discuss, but tomorrow we work together so I am thinking about bringing this whole thing up.

I don't know what to do anymore. I just want to curl up and cry. I am lucky to have this opportunity, but I don't want to fail uni and even those few days I am supposed to work are vital in my study plan. I am this close to just quit and say fuck it to everything, but I know this idea comes from me being stressed and burnt out.

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