
There’s no one left.

So I work for a 3rd party retailer selling cellular phones and services. I’ve been here for the last year, honestly it’s been a pretty decent gig. The pay could be better but I’ve done ok with commissions and haven’t been doing to bad for myself. What made this job workable was my coworkers, and my store manager, who all have consistently had each others backs and made what normally is a competition filled environment of people trying to get one up on each other, into a supportive group that works together to make sure everyone meets goals and gets paid. I got hired as a part timer because I just wanted spend a few days a week working this job and pick up something else to keep things varied, but due to some staff leaving and new hires never showing up, I ended up taking full time hours, and…

So I work for a 3rd party retailer selling cellular phones and services. I’ve been here for the last year, honestly it’s been a pretty decent gig. The pay could be better but I’ve done ok with commissions and haven’t been doing to bad for myself. What made this job workable was my coworkers, and my store manager, who all have consistently had each others backs and made what normally is a competition filled environment of people trying to get one up on each other, into a supportive group that works together to make sure everyone meets goals and gets paid.

I got hired as a part timer because I just wanted spend a few days a week working this job and pick up something else to keep things varied, but due to some staff leaving and new hires never showing up, I ended up taking full time hours, and it’s been that way the whole year I’ve been here. No problem really until this past month. Our manager accepted a store change to take over a store about 45 minutes away, with the established idea being promoting our assistant manager, to store manager and myself to assistant. It was going to be a tough transition but we were going to do what had to be done.

However since I’m posting here, you all can guess things have not gone to plan. Not only did they basically cut my assistant managers pay and not give her the promotion, they made her do the job anyway, I was essentially ignored as they had decided rather than promoting anyone they were looking to just hire outside the company to fill the role.

We pushed through the month successfully despite it being a low traffic month with artificially inflated goals. We also got the good news that this week we were getting our old manager back. Fantastic, back to the status quo, that was at least acceptable. Today however, they decided to fire said manager over things outside of his control, which cascaded into the assistant manager quitting on the spot, another coworker who had already put their 2 week notice in because of all the previous stuff happening is now just not gunna show, and my other coworker just accepted a position elsewhere as well and is likely going to just ghost the place. This leaves me. The “part timer” as the only salesperson for the store.

And I sure as hell am not going to be doing open to close shifts 7 days a week to keep our location open. The new district manager that is at the heart of this mess is trying to tell me we (he means me) need to look out for the needs of the business. Yea, right. They just cut our commission percent with no notice. I’ll be in a new job within the month.

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