
Food Security

The corporate tyrants continue to exploit us with no end in sight. Who's interested in creating community oriented food security via small backyard farms and community gardens? I'm a natural farmer and I know how to set up all these gardens with minimal costs and using local materials. Even the fertilizer inputs can easily be made with local materials very inexpensively The idea is for a group of say 20 households to join together and produce as much food as possible to share with each other. (20 is just a random number, it can be any number of households) So each household focuses on 1 or 2 items. Heres an example of what it could look like. The cost of setting up the gardens is shared and divided equally. *For people that live in apartments or don't have garden space, they could possibly group together and find a local land…

The corporate tyrants continue to exploit us with no end in sight. Who's interested in creating community oriented food security via small backyard farms and community gardens?

I'm a natural farmer and I know how to set up all these gardens with minimal costs and using local materials. Even the fertilizer inputs can easily be made with local materials very inexpensively

The idea is for a group of say 20 households to join together and produce as much food as possible to share with each other. (20 is just a random number, it can be any number of households) So each household focuses on 1 or 2 items.
Heres an example of what it could look like. The cost of setting up the gardens is shared and divided equally.

*For people that live in apartments or don't have garden space, they could possibly group together and find a local land owner to create a community garden. Sharing food with them as a trade for using the space.

*The households would group together with similar caloric intake needs as the food would be shared equally.

*Each house would also plant a few fruit/nut trees to be shared in a few years when they start producing.

1) chickens for eggs
2) tilapia (aquaponics ponds)
3) strawberries
4) tomatoes
5) leafy greens (kale, chard, collards)
6) peanuts
7) beans (possibly several households)
8) grains (possibly several households for these as well)
9) brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage
10) pumpkins
12) onions
13) garlic
14) peppers (sweet + hot)
15) microgreens
16) lettuce
17) herbs (cilantro, parsley,
18) mushrooms
19) zucchini
20) potatoes (a few varieties including yams/sweet potato (possibly several households)

This is the ultimate protest against the tyrannical regime. Anyone interested in this concept?

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