
Some Comedic Relief

So for the past four days I have been literally shitting water. Can’t go to the doctor, because I was put on unpaid leave of absence and lost all healthcare benefits due to refusing covid vax. Good news is I recently got a new job that required a drug alcohol screening but not the vax. Took the screening four days ago. So today they call and say they lost the alcohol screening and might need a new one asap. Unfortunately, I have been drinking straight bourbons since noon due to the shitting water because honestly i’m over it. Now new job might be hanging in the balance due to refusing new alcohol screen. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha FML.

So for the past four days I have been literally shitting water. Can’t go to the doctor, because I was put on unpaid leave of absence and lost all healthcare benefits due to refusing covid vax. Good news is I recently got a new job that required a drug alcohol screening but not the vax. Took the screening four days ago.
So today they call and say they lost the alcohol screening and might need a new one asap. Unfortunately, I have been drinking straight bourbons since noon due to the shitting water because honestly i’m over it. Now new job might be hanging in the balance due to refusing new alcohol screen. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha FML.

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