
Small Victory

So yesterday my coworkers, the manager, and me all agreed to not show up next week if the A/C unit wasn't fixed. The owner of the business finally agreed to fix it after we threatened them. Its a small victory but I wanted to share this story because its my first time unionizing with coworkers for a small change and I feel excited about it. It's going to be about 100 degrees next week in my city. We've suffered enough working in hot conditions were tired of pulling out fans so this was our breaking point. The place literally feels like a sweatshop. There are other issues but the heat was is the biggest issue at the moment. I feel like we should demand more but for now we won we got the new AC! My coworkers and I were chatting about other changes we would like to see so…

So yesterday my coworkers, the manager, and me all agreed to not show up next week if the A/C unit wasn't fixed. The owner of the business finally agreed to fix it after we threatened them. Its a small victory but I wanted to share this story because its my first time unionizing with coworkers for a small change and I feel excited about it. It's going to be about 100 degrees next week in my city. We've suffered enough working in hot conditions were tired of pulling out fans so this was our breaking point. The place literally feels like a sweatshop. There are other issues but the heat was is the biggest issue at the moment. I feel like we should demand more but for now we won we got the new AC! My coworkers and I were chatting about other changes we would like to see so hopefully we can push for those things too.

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