
A discussion question:

I’m trying to parse what could solve the issues companies have with incentives and work. And it occurs to me that the only reason retail and service jobs stink is that they require very little experience, and they are very easy to come by because of high turnover. What do you think would happen if they pricing structure was re ordered to mean that the most menial jobs now have a higher pay scale, and being a CEO of the company maybe…. Now pays a few million less per year. Would that be fair? Are there other concerns? Curious about people’s thoughts.

I’m trying to parse what could solve the issues companies have with incentives and work. And it occurs to me that the only reason retail and service jobs stink is that they require very little experience, and they are very easy to come by because of high turnover.

What do you think would happen if they pricing structure was re ordered to mean that the most menial jobs now have a higher pay scale, and being a CEO of the company maybe…. Now pays a few million less per year. Would that be fair? Are there other concerns? Curious about people’s thoughts.

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