
A Humble Request

Hey guys, I am in an economic rough spot. I have a book I've been working on. And by working on it, I mean I have it as a Word document. If I put the whole thing into a PDF and sell it on Ko-Fi, would anyone be interested in my finished work? Any little bit helps. I'm disabled from severe arthritis that I developed as a result of a surgical mishap. The pain is life-disrupting. It makes even activities of daily living painful and challenging to find the motivation to do when such pain is involved. I’ve applied for disability, but it says it may take months to complete. I don’t have any savings because I’ve fought to do everything I could to stay working, accepting jobs further and further out my field of study and making entry-level wages. I was laid off this May and have been trying…

Hey guys, I am in an economic rough spot. I have a book I've been working on. And by working on it, I mean I have it as a Word document. If I put the whole thing into a PDF and sell it on Ko-Fi, would anyone be interested in my finished work? Any little bit helps.

I'm disabled from severe arthritis that I developed as a result of a surgical mishap. The pain is life-disrupting. It makes even activities of daily living painful and challenging to find the motivation to do when such pain is involved. I’ve applied for disability, but it says it may take months to complete. I don’t have any savings because I’ve fought to do everything I could to stay working, accepting jobs further and further out my field of study and making entry-level wages. I was laid off this May and have been trying to start a worker cooperative, but lack funds. It also makes it hard to pay for tools and services needed to effectively learn when I'm economically stressed out.

I don’t know how I will pay my bills. Right now, I’m just not. But Its not for a lack of drive but a brutally high bar set by society. I still continue to work on building skills to contribute to the world. For example, I'm learning to code in Python to feed my passion for AI and Machine Learning.

Chapter 1: The Brutal Reality of Capitalism

Capitalism, that celebrated system hailed by conservatives as the engine of prosperity and innovation, is revealed upon close examination to be an architect of untold suffering, inequality, and environmental devastation. It's not merely an economic model; it's an ideology that has molded our world into a playground for the rich, while the masses grapple with the crumbs.

Capitalism's most glaring sin lies in its inherent exploitation of the working class. Employers reap massive profits off the backs of underpaid and overworked employees. While corporate giants boast record-breaking profits, workers struggle to make ends meet.
Consider the fast-food industry, where CEOs make hundreds of times more than their average employees. While executives fly in private jets, workers barely scrape by, often needing government assistance to survive. This isn't an aberration; it's a design feature of a system that prioritizes profits over human dignity.

Wealth inequality, another monstrous offspring of capitalism, is a stark manifestation of the injustice embedded in our economic structure. The richest 1% hold more wealth than the rest of the global population combined. How can this be seen as anything other than a moral failure? The conservative argument that the rich deserve their wealth because they've “earned” it falls apart when we consider the social and economic advantages that often pave the way to wealth, advantages that are systematically denied to others.

Environmental Damage

Capitalism's insatiable thirst for growth has led to an ecological crisis that threatens our very existence. Corporations are encouraged to seek profit at any cost, often leading to reckless consumption of natural resources and widespread environmental degradation. From oil spills to deforestation, the capitalist machine devours our planet, all in pursuit of the next quarterly earnings report.
Look at the fossil fuel industry, which spends billions lobbying against environmental regulations, knowing full well the existential threat that their products pose. They perpetrate this with the complicity of politicians who prioritize short-term economic gains over the long-term health of the planet and its inhabitants.

Human Rights Abuses
Capitalism has not only turned a blind eye to human rights abuses but actively fosters them. The pursuit of cheap labor drives corporations to set up shop in countries where workers' rights are nonexistent. Child labor, unsafe working conditions, and suppression of unions become the norm as businesses race to the bottom.
Take, for example, the fashion industry's exploitation in countries like Bangladesh. The Rana Plaza collapse in 2013, which claimed over a thousand lives, was a direct result of this merciless pursuit of profit.

The conservative lauding of capitalism as a symbol of freedom and prosperity is a grotesque distortion of reality. Capitalism has birthed a world rife with inequality, exploitation, and environmental ruin. The evidence is irrefutable, and the moral imperative clear: It's time to challenge this system, expose its failures, and seek a just alternative. Let us not be seduced by the siren song of free markets but recognize the inherent brutality of capitalism. The fight for a more equitable and sustainable world demands nothing less.

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