
A nurse with cancer can’t afford her kids Christmas gifts

So my gf works at a hospital. A few months ago one of her coworkers (let’s say her name is Amy) was pregnant. Late in the pregnancy her lower back started hurting. She had the baby and her back was still hurting and she was having trouble walking. So there was a further investigation on it. Turns out she has cancer in her spine (I’m not sure what type). The hospital told my gf and the rest of her coworkers that instead of doing a Christmas party this year, they would donate that money to Amy so she could afford Christmas gifts. None of the coworkers had a problem with this and I personally thought that was very kind of them. Today my gf texted me and said that Amy old them she doesn’t have the money to afford the Christmas gifts, due to paying for tests and not being…

So my gf works at a hospital. A few months ago one of her coworkers (let’s say her name is Amy) was pregnant. Late in the pregnancy her lower back started hurting. She had the baby and her back was still hurting and she was having trouble walking. So there was a further investigation on it. Turns out she has cancer in her spine (I’m not sure what type). The hospital told my gf and the rest of her coworkers that instead of doing a Christmas party this year, they would donate that money to Amy so she could afford Christmas gifts. None of the coworkers had a problem with this and I personally thought that was very kind of them. Today my gf texted me and said that Amy old them she doesn’t have the money to afford the Christmas gifts, due to paying for tests and not being able to work as much, and that the hospital did the Christmas party instead of giving Amy the money. Now my gf and her friend are going around to the other nurses asking if they have any money they could donate so Amy could afford some Christmas gifts. I can’t believe that even a hospital has no compassion for an employee that is having a serious medical issue. I looked it up and this “non-profit” hospital had a net income of over 8 million dollars and they can’t even give this unfortunate employee 1,000 bucks or whatever amount so she can buy Christmas gifts.

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