
A post for a friend, WI based.

I cannot update the title but this is based in the state of Wisconsin, USA. “I think my employer is doing something illegal. It has to be. How do I find out ? I drive a school bus for special education. Today I called in sick and also for tomorrow because I have a fever and a respiratory infection. I'm tired, weak and dizzy and coughing. In no fit condition to drive. They want me to get out of my sick bed, clear the snow off of it and bring it back to base. Not because they need it. They have around 20 spare buses. Plus I would need it right back later this week in a day or two. It's something they do to harass people out of calling in sick. To be clear I do not have a record of calling in sick. This is just their policy.…

I cannot update the title but this is based in the state of Wisconsin, USA.
“I think my employer is doing something illegal. It has to be. How do I find out ?
I drive a school bus for special education. Today I called in sick and also for tomorrow because I have a fever and a respiratory infection. I'm tired, weak and dizzy and coughing. In no fit condition to drive.
They want me to get out of my sick bed, clear the snow off of it and bring it back to base. Not because they need it. They have around 20 spare buses. Plus I would need it right back later this week in a day or two.
It's something they do to harass people out of calling in sick. To be clear I do not have a record of calling in sick. This is just their policy.
Another friend of mine had a kidney stone and was on opiates and they wanted her to drive it in in that condition. She quit. And she told them if they wanted the bus she put the key under her mat and they could come and get it. They didn't come for a week. They don't “need” the bus. It's just a weird very counterproductive policy. People are always quitting and they always need new people.
Who do I contact to find out if it's illegal ?”

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