
A quitting/walking out story…

When I was around 20 yrs old (I'm 50 now) I worked at Denny's. I was working the graveyard shift, which consists of me, a waitress and a dishwasher (for the better part of the night). I got all my prep work done and cooked for bar patrons and late night stragglers. I had a concert to go to the next day, so around 5am I started cleaning up. I had the place spotless by 6:00. That's when we got slammed. Egg pans goin', steaks on the grill, the whole nine yards..of course the place was a mess..The manager showed up and proceeded to tell me that I had to clean everything and help the dishwasher. I was scheduled to be out at 7. I really wanted to leave so I could start my all day excursion to the concert. It was the Greatful Dead. I am definitely NOT a…

When I was around 20 yrs old (I'm 50 now) I worked at Denny's. I was working the graveyard shift, which consists of me, a waitress and a dishwasher (for the better part of the night). I got all my prep work done and cooked for bar patrons and late night stragglers. I had a concert to go to the next day, so around 5am I started cleaning up. I had the place spotless by 6:00. That's when we got slammed. Egg pans goin', steaks on the grill, the whole nine yards..of course the place was a mess..The manager showed up and proceeded to tell me that I had to clean everything and help the dishwasher. I was scheduled to be out at 7. I really wanted to leave so I could start my all day excursion to the concert. It was the Greatful Dead. I am definitely NOT a Greatful Dead fan, AT ALL, but I was going with two girls…and that was pretty legit. So I told the manager what happened, how the place was spotless and how I was getting slammed….She pretty much said I had to stay (in a mean, bitchy way). So I said, “Sure, No problem.” Egg pans were going, things were cooking, a ton of tickets were lined up… When she was away from the kitchen I walked into the breakroom, got my stuff together, walked out the back door and hopped in my car and left. I wish I could've seen what happened afterwards. Needless to say that was the beginning of one of the most memorable days of my life…..🫠

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