
A Story About Wedding Toppers

For weeks and weeks now, the bakery was tasked with the repair of two wedding toppers, a groom and bride, intricate and beautiful, made entirely out of sugar, sat atop a wedding cake, promised to last forever, just apply hairspray or craft spray after two weeks of drying. They had broken off of their base, which is a problem. They were a symbol of love in eternity after all. The bride called in, came in, and brought the toppers for repair. Over the phone she was told that the damage shouldn’t have happened, and that we would look into it for her. Flash forward to months later, the husband comes to pick up the toppers. Keep in mind, most of our full sized cake orders are done in a matter of two weeks, being generous with time. But the turn around time starts to make sense when you realize the…

For weeks and weeks now, the bakery was tasked with the repair of two wedding toppers, a groom and bride, intricate and beautiful, made entirely out of sugar, sat atop a wedding cake, promised to last forever, just apply hairspray or craft spray after two weeks of drying. They had broken off of their base, which is a problem. They were a symbol of love in eternity after all. The bride called in, came in, and brought the toppers for repair. Over the phone she was told that the damage shouldn’t have happened, and that we would look into it for her.

Flash forward to months later, the husband comes to pick up the toppers. Keep in mind, most of our full sized cake orders are done in a matter of two weeks, being generous with time. But the turn around time starts to make sense when you realize the toppers had to be remade in their entirety. No simple repair as it turns out. But it was still a surprise to the husband that he was being charged 36 dollars. Again, makes sense. Not only have they been told that the damage should not have happened, they were not told that the toppers were being completely remade, forget agreeing to the work, they didn’t know what work was being done. They also didn’t know that they would be charged at all. Money was never discussed according to even my boss.

So you have a situation where work was done and being charged almost entirely without asking or discussion, do you think most people would have the nerve to stick up for themselves in that situation? Even in the likely scenario they would’ve simply taken the broken toppers and preserved them as the not quite perfect mementos they were, had they known the alternative’s cost, they certainly couldn’t go back at this point. They had given the broken figures to us. The only thing the couple could do if they wanted the memories would be to pay the surprise 36 dollars.

My boss, through neglect if I’m to view him in a positive light, scammed his customers out of 36 dollars, then had the nerve to get self righteous about it after when told the husband was hesitant to pay.

He’s either such a jackass he looks stupid, or he’s so stupid he’s a jackass, or very likely he is both, because the man just burned a bridge for 36 dollars, when very easily he could have disclosed the work and maybe even ask for the true price he was so self righteous for not charging without telling.

I’m new to the baking world, there’s a lot I don’t know, but as far as I can tell hygiene rules aren’t being followed. I’m supposed to wear gloves in front of customers when giving them cookies, but I get strange looks when I ask if I should on my own bagging them. I am aware that I’m supposed to let dishes air dry but we don’t have room, so I guess I dry with a mostly clean cloth. At my old job, the work was hard but I was at least supposed to clean my work station before and after. At this job no one mops the work floor every day, no one mops in the walk in every day, and maybe this isn’t fair to point out but my coworkers get their arms covered in buttercream and scrape all the buttercream from their arms into the buttercream bucket. Is that ok? Probably?

The boss screams at me when I write something “stupid” when taking an order, generally when I’m directly quoting a customer (cuz I don’t know what I’m doing. No real training) or when I’m answering a question that isn’t what he thinks, and he’s convinced I’m saying something wrong. Most of the time I haven’t. All of this while I’m on the phone, and before you ask, yes, the customer can hear. I wonder why the business is failing? I wonder why I’m still working there? I wonder if I can really fix a cake being hours late with just pleasant conversation? I’m a counter clerk if that wasn’t made clear. I can’t decorate, I can’t bake, I can only get on the way.

I’d like to think I’m a diligent hard worker. Not who this subreddit was likely made for, anarchic people hoping to gain enough wealth or position to never have to work again. I need something to take up my time or I’d shut down… just… not this. I’m so tired.

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