
A Unicorn of a Boss

I feel like we don't get enough of these. But we need to praise the good bosses too. So at my work, the higher ups decided to give raises to everyone who made above a given amount (yes, yes I know. That part sucks). I didn't quite make the cutoff, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. So whatever. But out of nowhere my boss reached out to me and made sure that I got a significant raise this year due to it being my anniversary of working there. Now I had maxed out the raise for the year, but she was ready to fight for me. Then my partner's family member died unexpectedly and when my boss found out she approved immediate bereavement leave for me (even though it technically wasn't company policy). (My team leader was also right there to make sure I was doing okay…

I feel like we don't get enough of these. But we need to praise the good bosses too.

So at my work, the higher ups decided to give raises to everyone who made above a given amount (yes, yes I know. That part sucks).

I didn't quite make the cutoff, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. So whatever. But out of nowhere my boss reached out to me and made sure that I got a significant raise this year due to it being my anniversary of working there. Now I had maxed out the raise for the year, but she was ready to fight for me.

Then my partner's family member died unexpectedly and when my boss found out she approved immediate bereavement leave for me (even though it technically wasn't company policy). (My team leader was also right there to make sure I was doing okay and if my family needed anything. He is great too!)

Finally, when she learned my partner got laid off, she immediately went to her boss to see if there was another spot in the company for them (in a different department) and made them at least look at their application.

And my boss is definitely a boomer age. I just want to say there are some good ones out there. And honestly companies, do stuff like this and your employees will be loyal!

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