
Accidental wage theft?

To preface: I work in a fast food restaurant in Michigan, I’m pretty sure this is all just negligence(not that that’s an excuse), and I’m very sorry about the adhd format. So. About a week ago, I found out I’ve been getting automatically clocked out at a certain time by the computer system, regardless of what time I actually clock out at. My boss didn’t know until recently- I stayed late a few times to get some extra cleaning done(was hoping for a bit of overtime) and my paycheck just did not reflect that at all. Now she’s working with me so I do get paid for those hours but without the extra overtime 🙁 Anyways I know for a fact that when a shift lead/manager clocks out at the end of the day, any other leads also get automatically clocked out. And we sometimes get automatically clocked roughly half…

To preface:

I work in a fast food restaurant in Michigan, I’m pretty sure this is all just negligence(not that that’s an excuse), and I’m very sorry about the adhd format.

So. About a week ago, I found out I’ve been getting automatically clocked out at a certain time by the computer system, regardless of what time I actually clock out at. My boss didn’t know until recently- I stayed late a few times to get some extra cleaning done(was hoping for a bit of overtime) and my paycheck just did not reflect that at all. Now she’s working with me so I do get paid for those hours but without the extra overtime 🙁

Anyways I know for a fact that when a shift lead/manager clocks out at the end of the day, any other leads also get automatically clocked out. And we sometimes get automatically clocked roughly half an hour after the store closes. I’m worried because if this is the system doing it, others in the system at other stores are probably having the same problem without realizing. It’s probably just 15-30 minutes a week but like… that adds up ya know? My boss is working with me on it because they’re cool and also because I’m not gonna let this go but like they also doesn’t seem too concerned about the implication. I’m pretty sure they haven’t told their boss for example. I have no idea how interested upper management would be in cleaning up their mess appropriately(probably not very if I’ve judged their personalities even remotely correctly). And I’m 80% sure being clocked out early is illegal. I know that all this makes it unpaid labor and that I should probably contact the Department of Labor but I’m not really sure how to/what to say or if I should at least try to get a message to upper management first.

So if anyone could help sort me out on what to do about this, I’d be very very grateful.

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