
Our local public transit went on strike today, I officially hate capitalism even more

As if capitalism couldn't screw the worker over even more, I now have no transportation to get to and from my factory job and Uber is gonna start price gouging like they always do when the busses aren't able to run. The drivers themselves are victims of the capitalist government, making them work in unsafe conditions with little protection. I hate my job, making under 20 an hour and I can't afford life anymore, and I'm sure it's much worse for other people working even worse jobs (especially the part timers and the people who are in school). Remember, capitalism is always set up to screw the workers and the people and the government (all levels) profit off of it so they love it too, just like the corporations.

As if capitalism couldn't screw the worker over even more, I now have no transportation to get to and from my factory job and Uber is gonna start price gouging like they always do when the busses aren't able to run. The drivers themselves are victims of the capitalist government, making them work in unsafe conditions with little protection. I hate my job, making under 20 an hour and I can't afford life anymore, and I'm sure it's much worse for other people working even worse jobs (especially the part timers and the people who are in school). Remember, capitalism is always set up to screw the workers and the people and the government (all levels) profit off of it so they love it too, just like the corporations.

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