
Accidentally found a folder of Qanon and anti-vax stuff that my CEO uploaded to the company server at a state university

I'm a student assistant for HR and I've been tasked with updating some of our forms. Yesterday I was going through some shared folders to find our official logos and stuff to help me build the forms. In the midst of those folders was one that has the CEO's user ID on it. There were probably about 20 files in there and I only had the stomach to look through like four once I realized what was happening. I saw a long document of reasons not to get the Covid vaccine, some Christian scriptures and devotionals, one about how the country is run by the deep state and the people fighting against it are Qanon and that's why JFK was assassinated, and one super long one that was something about a government experiment “humanizing” mice with stem cells. Mind you, I work for a company that manages 1500 employees who…

I'm a student assistant for HR and I've been tasked with updating some of our forms. Yesterday I was going through some shared folders to find our official logos and stuff to help me build the forms. In the midst of those folders was one that has the CEO's user ID on it. There were probably about 20 files in there and I only had the stomach to look through like four once I realized what was happening.

I saw a long document of reasons not to get the Covid vaccine, some Christian scriptures and devotionals, one about how the country is run by the deep state and the people fighting against it are Qanon and that's why JFK was assassinated, and one super long one that was something about a government experiment “humanizing” mice with stem cells. Mind you, I work for a company that manages 1500 employees who all do work for a state university, and I now know that our CEO is probably anti-vax and Qanon, which of course carries with it some very harmful ideologies which are supposedly opposed to the university's values. I feel like I accidentally walked in on a drug deal or something I was not supposed to see.

It made me so uncomfortable that I clocked out an hour early to try to figure out WTF to do. Who am I supposed to report to? I'm HR. My boss is HR, but his boss is this CEO. To make matters worse, I had been really excited about the fact that my boss has been talking about opening up basically the perfect position for me once my student role ends if I'm interested in staying, but this and a few other flags have happened and now I'm so conflicted. I guess I'm just posting to vent and see how other people react to sort of gauge what I might choose to do. What would you do?

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