
Advice for BC, Canada?

My boyfriend had to take a couple of weeks off for a medical issue and while he was gone his boss “overhired and no longer has room for him on the schedule” and keeps saying she “might put him on the schedule in a few weeks” but refuses to fire him. We understand this tactic for what it is but we're just not quite sure what to do about it. He's not planning to quit and give them what they want but has started to seek other employment, unfortunately there aren't many options in my area atm. Is there any recourse or advice anyone can offer me? Thank you.

My boyfriend had to take a couple of weeks off for a medical issue and while he was gone his boss “overhired and no longer has room for him on the schedule” and keeps saying she “might put him on the schedule in a few weeks” but refuses to fire him. We understand this tactic for what it is but we're just not quite sure what to do about it. He's not planning to quit and give them what they want but has started to seek other employment, unfortunately there aren't many options in my area atm. Is there any recourse or advice anyone can offer me? Thank you.

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