
Advice for someone who left a predatory job, and isn’t quite sure what to do next.

Hello all, I hope this isn’t inappropriate, but I wanted to ask for some advice. Long story short: from September of 2018 to June of this year, I had been working at an Amazon Fulfillment Center. Which, yes, was terrible, and while I left of my own volition—primarily due to the fact that my managers were punishing me (or seemed to be punishing me) for low rates despite us being exceptionally slow this year—it has led me to having a bit of a… difficult situation. Basically, putting aside any factors like immediate financial issues or health concerns, I’m not really sure where to go next exactly. I do have some plans to do things like start Freelancing or other self-employed jobs—I even was able to take steps to make a one-man freelance web design company and have considered going into other jobs I have an interest in—but I’m not sure…

Hello all,
I hope this isn’t inappropriate, but I wanted to ask for some advice.

Long story short: from September of 2018 to June of this year, I had been working at an Amazon Fulfillment Center. Which, yes, was terrible, and while I left of my own volition—primarily due to the fact that my managers were punishing me (or seemed to be punishing me) for low rates despite us being exceptionally slow this year—it has led me to having a bit of a… difficult situation.

Basically, putting aside any factors like immediate financial issues or health concerns, I’m not really sure where to go next exactly. I do have some plans to do things like start Freelancing or other self-employed jobs—I even was able to take steps to make a one-man freelance web design company and have considered going into other jobs I have an interest in—but I’m not sure if that is a viable option in the short-term (especially since I wanted to go into fiction writing, but I digress).

However, I’m also worried that not only will more “traditional” jobs might, even in this job market, be hard to get into (either due to insanely high standards, my own social anxiety issues, or that they just don’t need any workers), and I don’t have anyone (at the moment) who could give substantial support if needed (my own family was willing to let me go homeless a few years ago, but that’s another story), and I don’t trust my local or federal government to help me if I can’t find work or money.

So, I wanted to ask: do you guys have any practical advice for someone like me? Anything, even just a simple, “Right now, just try your best to get a new job ASAP,” will be fine to hear. I just want to make sure I don’t do something like play a huge gamble with my life or health, or put myself back into a situation like Amazon when another, better solution was around that I didn’t know about.

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