
Advice on how to tell my boss no.

The company I work for is struggling financially and it is rumored that the solution will be to have the highest payed employees (excluding the CEO, his wife who's the head of HR, their sons, and their friends) will no longer be w-2workers but 1099s moving forward. If this happens I will lose my health insurance, have unstable income, and be even more removed the company but still expected to perform my duties. I understand companies need to make money but I would rather be stressed from being over work than afraid to lose health care and not pay my bills. How do I professionally tell him no?

The company I work for is struggling financially and it is rumored that the solution will be to have the highest payed employees (excluding the CEO, his wife who's the head of HR, their sons, and their friends) will no longer be w-2workers but 1099s moving forward. If this happens I will lose my health insurance, have unstable income, and be even more removed the company but still expected to perform my duties. I understand companies need to make money but I would rather be stressed from being over work than afraid to lose health care and not pay my bills. How do I professionally tell him no?

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