
Advice Please – Employer monitoring recruiting websites to see if employees are looking for new job

I work for a moderate sized company of around 500 or so employees. Since the relaxation of requirements of COVID, this company has really fallen into shambles. I won't get too far into it since that's not the point of the post, but it appears that the company has imposed a soft hiring freeze in anticipation of a recession in our sector though we are up 40-50% in volume compared to last year. The results of that is a hugely increased workload for myself, piled onto the issue of the soft hiring freeze – no one that has quit in the last two years has been replaced; and I have found my self responsible for multiple roles in day-to-day activity and I'm through with performing multiple jobs for no increased pay or support. I'm not the only one either. A few of my co-workers had related to me that they…

I work for a moderate sized company of around 500 or so employees. Since the relaxation of requirements of COVID, this company has really fallen into shambles. I won't get too far into it since that's not the point of the post, but it appears that the company has imposed a soft hiring freeze in anticipation of a recession in our sector though we are up 40-50% in volume compared to last year. The results of that is a hugely increased workload for myself, piled onto the issue of the soft hiring freeze – no one that has quit in the last two years has been replaced; and I have found my self responsible for multiple roles in day-to-day activity and I'm through with performing multiple jobs for no increased pay or support.

I'm not the only one either. A few of my co-workers had related to me that they were looking on websites like Indeed, ZipRecruiter for new places to work and they had been approached by HR, pulled aside by managers in intervention asking why they were looking for a new job. These individuals never approached them or made known that they were looking. Now, I'm not sure the process of seeing who has applied using those tools go, but I assume information is public enough for it to not be illegal or be considered other names other than assholish behavior.

I would like to get to looking for a new job as well, but I don't want to make a big stink about it: get pulled aside, the rumors of me looking elsewhere, the extra scrutiny of my work as they look for faults, or any part of that. I only want to put two weeks in, take a bow, and get on with my life.

Has anyone here dealt with something similar? How did you deal with it? I'm assuming I am mostly screwed into dealing with that, as it's not my choice the company decided that was the way to retain employees.

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