
After 3 years

I worked for almost 3 years as an above a beyond employee. The general manager at the time offered me a promotion, alongside the new gm who had been working with us both all this time, as he was leaving for a better job due to a change in his family. Not even two weeks after that, the new gm gave the promotion to 2 guys who hadn't even been working there a year, and didn't know cross training like I did. My mom had been basically living in different health facilities for the better part of a year, minus 5 days she came home for a funeral that I had to help her with, so I decided, you know, I'll just move closer to my parents, and be done with all the crap I had put up with until this final straw. I transferred out and didn't look back.…

I worked for almost 3 years as an above a beyond employee. The general manager at the time offered me a promotion, alongside the new gm who had been working with us both all this time, as he was leaving for a better job due to a change in his family. Not even two weeks after that, the new gm gave the promotion to 2 guys who hadn't even been working there a year, and didn't know cross training like I did. My mom had been basically living in different health facilities for the better part of a year, minus 5 days she came home for a funeral that I had to help her with, so I decided, you know, I'll just move closer to my parents, and be done with all the crap I had put up with until this final straw. I transferred out and didn't look back. I got talked down to my first day, saying that I had made a mistake, when in fact it was the manager, then she had the audacity to tell me I was required to stay until my replacement came in. No…that's management's responsibility, that's what they get paid for, and who's to say they'd ever show up, as this was a restaurant with a high turnover rate? I spoke up for myself and it made things worse for me. My breaking point was when my mom passed, and they told me to get over myself. I left that company and never looked back.

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