
AI is going to push things over the edge

Just looking at the writers strike in LA, and while they're protesting against getting ripped off from streaming revenues, there's a big issue brewing: AI. Clearly moguls want to take advantage of it. And writers would too, why wouldn't they. How's it going to impact their work hours and general value. It'll all get wonky. If a writer can now accomplish the same output they're pushing now, but in a 1/4 of time with AI – how is this going to get handled. Sadly, just like all other forms of tech that have made us more “productive”, I don't see the hours getting handed back to employees. Those that have their own business, even single sole proprietors, will stand to gain. For the workforce, I can only see layoffs as companies seek to do more with fewer, along with nothing changing but more expected and squeezed. AI, in my opinion,…

Just looking at the writers strike in LA, and while they're protesting against getting ripped off from streaming revenues, there's a big issue brewing: AI.

Clearly moguls want to take advantage of it. And writers would too, why wouldn't they. How's it going to impact their work hours and general value. It'll all get wonky.

If a writer can now accomplish the same output they're pushing now, but in a 1/4 of time with AI – how is this going to get handled. Sadly, just like all other forms of tech that have made us more “productive”, I don't see the hours getting handed back to employees.

Those that have their own business, even single sole proprietors, will stand to gain. For the workforce, I can only see layoffs as companies seek to do more with fewer, along with nothing changing but more expected and squeezed.

AI, in my opinion, will really force us to reevaluate everything.

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