
Always record phone calls from work!

I tell every young person starting work this valuable lesson. Paper trails are vital. If a manager or boss usual uses email and text to communicate and then out of the blue calls you, record that call. They about to say or do something that they don’t want proof of. Best example I can provide is when my boss asked for volunteers for weekend work and we only had two volunteers. I get a phone call the next day after work that says the weekend shift was made mandatory by the plant manager. He didn’t know I had that call recorded and I brought it up to the plant manager who said he never made it mandatory. That years I negotiated the largest pay raise I ever got.

I tell every young person starting work this valuable lesson. Paper trails are vital. If a manager or boss usual uses email and text to communicate and then out of the blue calls you, record that call. They about to say or do something that they don’t want proof of.
Best example I can provide is when my boss asked for volunteers for weekend work and we only had two volunteers. I get a phone call the next day after work that says the weekend shift was made mandatory by the plant manager. He didn’t know I had that call recorded and I brought it up to the plant manager who said he never made it mandatory. That years I negotiated the largest pay raise I ever got.

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