
Am I being used?

I just got medically separated from the Navy in February after serving 6 years as a Helicopter Mechanic. I was living in San Diego when I got out but I got a job as a Maintenance Technician for a hospital in Dallas TX. I accepted the Job because I needed one in order to move, and get an apartment in Dallas. They only offered me $19.59 a hour but I just needed a job so I took it. The job consists of HVAC, plumbing, electric, and many other various task. I moved here by myself first to start the job, and I later got the apartment. I recently flew back to San Diego to drive my wife and daughter here to Dallas. I like the Job, but at times I feel like I’m just being used. I work hard, and get things done right away. I fix any trouble tickets…

I just got medically separated from the Navy in February after serving 6 years as a Helicopter Mechanic. I was living in San Diego when I got out but I got a job as a Maintenance Technician for a hospital in Dallas TX.

I accepted the Job because I needed one in order to move, and get an apartment in Dallas. They only offered me $19.59 a hour but I just needed a job so I took it. The job consists of HVAC, plumbing, electric, and many other various task. I moved here by myself first to start the job, and I later got the apartment. I recently flew back to San Diego to drive my wife and daughter here to Dallas.

I like the Job, but at times I feel like I’m just being used. I work hard, and get things done right away. I fix any trouble tickets that get submitted as soon as I can. I feel like I’m running around the hospital non stop, and i constantly come back into the shop throughout the day and the guys that have been here longer than me are sitting around. As far as I know we are ALL maintenance technicians.

Today I was tasked by them to paint an office. That includes moving furniture paintings and prep work etc. It was a slow day, we didn’t have a lot of work requests, just a few. I thought I would get some help from the others, but I didn’t. After finished painting I came back to my desk to check the work orders and nothing had been done the entire 5 hours I was painting! I ended up taking care of those work orders as well.

This has been constantly happening and I’ve only been here 2 months. I don’t complain or say anything because this is my first job outside the military but it seems unfair that they sit around and watch when they could be helping?

For the amount of money I’m getting paid it and the amount of work I’m doing it feels wrong. I’m working my ass off and I’m still broke. I make enough to pay our bills but after that I have very little. I’m just trying to take care of my family man. I guess I’m here looking for advice man, anything could help.

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