
Am I doing the right thing by leaving?

Hello, I will try to be vague as I worry that my employers linger here on Reddit. Anyway, I am 30F (of Asian descent), I've been working with this company for almost two years now. I was hired alongside another person, in about 6 months after we were hired, the other person got promoted, which left me to handle the responsibilities of our position pretty much by myself. I think I handled it quite well, though and I tried to work harder because I felt insecure that I was not the one promoted. I did everything I could do to be a good employee – arriving earlier than 90% of the people in the office, volunteering for work outside my position (I know, I should know better), and being positive. They gave me a $1 raise after a year, but still no promotion. I also did not have a clear…


I will try to be vague as I worry that my employers linger here on Reddit. Anyway, I am 30F (of Asian descent), I've been working with this company for almost two years now. I was hired alongside another person, in about 6 months after we were hired, the other person got promoted, which left me to handle the responsibilities of our position pretty much by myself. I think I handled it quite well, though and I tried to work harder because I felt insecure that I was not the one promoted. I did everything I could do to be a good employee – arriving earlier than 90% of the people in the office, volunteering for work outside my position (I know, I should know better), and being positive.

They gave me a $1 raise after a year, but still no promotion. I also did not have a clear idea of what they are planning for my growth in the company, which was a struggle because I could see other people around me grow, I started to feel left behind. This time, I still tried to work as hard as I could. Fast forward to 4 months ago, they hired two new people on the team with the same position as me. Lo and behold, I just heard yesterday that this person is getting promoted. When I confronted management and asked them why I was overlooked, they could not give me a proper answer, and instead assures me that I will be “next”. I talked to other supervisors about my performance, and everyone else tells me I am doing great and that they too do not understand why I am not being advanced to the next position.

Honestly, my ego is bruised and I have no motivation to work after everything that's been happening. Top this off that everyone else has the option to work remotely, and I don't. I live about 30 miles away from the office, and on bad storm days (we have a lot of storms in the state), everyone else has the option to work from home and I have to take a PTO day, which I felt was really unfair. I like the industry and most of my coworkers, but the toll of this management and the everyday commute to somewhere I am unhappy at is affecting my mental health so much. I want to quit, but I have been trying to find a job, with no luck yet. I am so nervous about leaving without securing another job, but at this point, I am ready to throw in the towel. I don't know what I want out of this post, I guess I am torn if I should just suck it up and stay or follow my gut and leave.

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